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A bad place to hide

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Community Member
Hey all, I am new here but I have this video which functions on two levels. First it is funny as I find a place to hide and well you see what happens. Second is the Guy I shoot in the video was running with the guy that was rogue for the 10 minutes before that and where both going rogue at the same time. So when we had his mate down and I saw him swoop in to save the day so I shot him. Then I am rogue. Can you be in a group and have one rogue and the other not? For example if one has died and respawned or maybe one counter counts down and the other kept getting increased? just confused me at the time and still does a bit. 

Any thoughts or help would be great



Community Member
yeah it was terrible. I knew as I was running down there it was a bad idea, but thought I would play the odds and failed

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