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Where is everyone I come in here and very few people are here....Why?

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Malcolm Kocinski

Community Elite
Where is everyone I come in here and very few people are here....Why? I been coming in here everyday and very few people show up or even post & react to any of the forums & posts. So where is everyone? 


Malcolm Kocinski

Community Elite
There are very few people that post here so far again. I have seen a few people who have posted here......but very few have reacted to any of the posts. I hope a lot of the veterans will return & posts again I hope. Because I sure miss them.


Malcolm Kocinski

Community Elite


Community Elite
Malcolm - I quit TD2 outright around August of last year.  I got to where I hated the solo aspects of the game, which is what I mostly play.  With Warlords of New York and the massive updates to - well - almost everything, I am back.  

SO howdy!



Malcolm Kocinski

Community Elite
Malcolm - I quit TD2 outright around August of last year.  I got to where I hated the solo aspects of the game, which is what I mostly play.  With Warlords of New York and the massive updates to - well - almost everything, I am back.  

SO howdy!

Glad to see you back Gene........I did quit a couple times last year until heard the Ubisoft was adding some new DLCs & I started to play again late last year. Howdy right back to Gene!

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