That isn't relevant to the issue of lazy development. Any forum that touts this game cannot disregard any points I'm making as if they aren't a problem because my complaint in fact is part of the game.As for the second half of your comment, this is a fan forum. It's not a forum sponsored by the developers.
I have found players who disregard this are just trolls. It amazes me how the issues I'm talking about get swept under the rug as if they aren't important or something I made up. it's time things like this start getting talked about and holding the game developers/designers accountable.
People want to complain that DLC, microtransactions and season passes are game designers creating problems to sell you solutions and putting out incomplete games, yet my complaints about the game isn't even playable without instructions isn't a valid point. People are out of their minds.
You still continue ignoring the point, PLAYER INFORMATION IS INVALID to the actual issue I'm talking about here I'm making.Just look at the video. It wasn't some player giving his input.
You cannot push player information to cover game designers not providing proper in game information to allow someone who picks up a game to play it.
The information about switching guns should have already been explained to the player before arriving at the place I am in that screenshot.
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