After typing in a message into the chat this message appears:
I also have no clue why a game of this magnitude has no instructions in it anywhere that explains every mechanic step by step. Here are some problems I foundAside from the starting pistol, do you even have any other guns?
Is there some form of inventory or not?
What's the deal with crafted items. I saw this listed on the character screen, yet never once saw a single thing about it mentioned anywhere in the game so far.
I personally have found the map pointless because it hasn't had anything on it explained, broken down to the player as to what is what, you're just somehow supposed to instantly know everything about it. Who thought this was a good idea. how about some basic instruction to the map instead of not even mentioning anything to the player and saying here is your map...good luck.
There isn't any information about the HUD which is a huge major no no when making a game that has one. How about a fully detailed explanation to what everything is on the HUD along with a fully detailed explanation as to an example of it's use.
I have a ton more issues I ran into but i want to see the types of replies people here will give as that will determine if I'm wasting my time posting anything on this forum about this game.
I arrived at this section in the game as shown in the screenshot. Without any information, instruction, or explanation to anything, I've put in then magically expected to know what anything on this screen means and is as well as what exactly am i supposed to be doing.
1: Defend the settlement is pointless when it's not even explained where that is as well as who or what Agent De La Cruz is.
2: All the number 1's I have circled in the screenshot need to be explained as to what those are and mean.
3: The red circle with 3 in it needs an entire breakdown and explanation to what every single one of those icons mean.
And those are just the beginning. I shouldn't have to ask what anything on this screen means because me as a player should have already been explained it all in detail in step by step information by the developers of the game.

Since there is no actual chat channels at all then why even have that message. If there are chat channels then how come there is no information on them anywhere. And yes I looked for some list and there isn't any.Chat channel has not been joined. However you can still send whispers to other players.
I also have no clue why a game of this magnitude has no instructions in it anywhere that explains every mechanic step by step. Here are some problems I foundAside from the starting pistol, do you even have any other guns?
Is there some form of inventory or not?
What's the deal with crafted items. I saw this listed on the character screen, yet never once saw a single thing about it mentioned anywhere in the game so far.
I personally have found the map pointless because it hasn't had anything on it explained, broken down to the player as to what is what, you're just somehow supposed to instantly know everything about it. Who thought this was a good idea. how about some basic instruction to the map instead of not even mentioning anything to the player and saying here is your map...good luck.
There isn't any information about the HUD which is a huge major no no when making a game that has one. How about a fully detailed explanation to what everything is on the HUD along with a fully detailed explanation as to an example of it's use.
I have a ton more issues I ran into but i want to see the types of replies people here will give as that will determine if I'm wasting my time posting anything on this forum about this game.
I arrived at this section in the game as shown in the screenshot. Without any information, instruction, or explanation to anything, I've put in then magically expected to know what anything on this screen means and is as well as what exactly am i supposed to be doing.
1: Defend the settlement is pointless when it's not even explained where that is as well as who or what Agent De La Cruz is.
2: All the number 1's I have circled in the screenshot need to be explained as to what those are and mean.
3: The red circle with 3 in it needs an entire breakdown and explanation to what every single one of those icons mean.
And those are just the beginning. I shouldn't have to ask what anything on this screen means because me as a player should have already been explained it all in detail in step by step information by the developers of the game.

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