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Podcast Idea

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Currently I've been working with @g1nt3r to put some ideas together.  I've got some initial EP thoughts and notes and were trying to work out some details: hosts, equipment & how recording will be done, format, etc.  We've had some assorted RL things that have come up and tied up some of our time, so the process has slowed a bit.  

Also, I'be been active with the last two DCW's, so those have taken up a couple of my weekends over the last 4-6 weeks.  In addition to that, I've been really focusing on my Twitch stream (adding chat features, streaming more regularly, improving stream content/quality) and I've started making YouTube videos from my Twitch recordings.  

TL:DR - Haven't given up on this, just trying to work out details so that if/when it happens that it's done right and it something The Division Forums can be proud of. 

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