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error code DELTA 20010186

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Can anyone from The Division or Ubisoft tell me how to play my fucking game? I've been looking forward to it for almost a year and pre-ordered almost a year ago and now I still have this stupid Delta 20010186 error BS. Please someone help bc this is some BS.

Found a fix that worked on xbox one:

hard reset your console by pressing the power button for a few seconds. This should turn off the console completely instead of putting it into sleep mode. When booted back up, it worked. Hope this helps someone!

Bought the game 3 days ago. Worked fine up until now and I am getting the fucking error code. I read that it could be some sort of IP blocker, but I don't have one. So who knows. 

I was on another forum and someone said that's it was are problem not ubi I wish I could find him and break it's legs and his pc and piss on is couch and take a shit in his sink 
All I know is Black Ops 3 connects Star Wars connects Madden connects  2K connects GTA5 connects Destiny connects Battlefield connects all connects but this shit

joder ami me pasa lo mismo no se ni porque compre el juego
Pues si da mucho asco el soporte que da Ubisoft. Ami me pasa igual pero es por mi router, aun no he encorado la solución pero la encontrare, yo he probado conectado desde mi iphone con compartir internet y me conecta sin problemas. con mi router he probado con una DMZ y tambien me funciona, pero con la NAT normal aun no me funciona. por supuesto no voy a estar conectado en la DMZ para jugar. me violarían el pc en pocos minutos. ubisoft se esta pasado mucho no peude cobrar 59 € por un juego y luego tacarse los heuvos con los problemas de los usuarios. almenos ami no me han contestado ningun ticket que he enviado. y ya de paso decir que con Raibow paso lo mimso... solo cobran y se tocan los cojones. lamentable. 

i had this same problem with the beta i start the game and it will load for like 20 seconds and then it says error code delta 20010186  anything i cant do im about to take it back and just take the loss this is outrageous 
I have attempted to log in every day this week, since launch, and always get Delta 20010186 and don't get to play while I see all my friends okay. I've tried restarting the game, my console, and my wifi. I don't know what not to do. And to maker it worse, there's all these solutions online for PS4 and PC, but I have found only one for XBOX ONE

Go to online connection settings. Under mac address press clear. Your xbone will reset and you will be able to log in.

I find a way to fix it. The error DELTA 20010186 means that the problem is on the serves that can not recognize your Internet. To fix this, connect your PS4 to another Internet suplier (your cellphone Internet),  this will make the game to function. Then you select your character and go to the World, when you are allready playing,  change your Internet conection to your usual use ( WI-FI or cable ). This will kick you out from the game. But the next time you join it will function normaly with your usual Internet. This must be done each time you want to play (each time you turn on your PS4) 

THIS FUNCTION TO ME (sorry forma my spelling), let me Know if it works to you

Ubisoft you fuckers put out a broken product this shit don't work for some of us , you say do this to do that but it still doesn't work 

All the other games I have work just fine but when it comes to this game its fucked you guys make a ton of money off of us we deserve better 

So I bought the game the night it came out, as well the season pass. Never once got to play it because of a error code delta. Waited until the first patch came out nothing fix the problem went into trade the game in and only got $27 on a game that came out less than a week ago n spend $90 for the game n season pass fuck you Ubisoft never buying a game by u again. you'll never be a game like Mario kart or smash bro's that will be still selling at max price a decade after it came out. fuck you fucking scam artist 

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