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  • First run tonight with our newest Clanmates, PP_car-1 and Buzz, in FLCM. Nice and smooth, 1 shot to completion.

    Top of the heap now... nothing standing in game that we can't mash repeatedly and on command.

    Glad to have TheWilliams on board with Believe the Hype!

    The DZ seems to be getting more generous. Gear set gloves just rained on us today; I got two pair, and HHHope got the pair he's been wanting. An odd Midas dropped for me as well, not with Trained nerfed, but totally absent. Maybe that's the new normal for Midas, I just don't know anymore.

    Today was a good day...

    Ran a pug FLCM for no reason, got my backpack upgraded to a 214. Ran through the darkzone for one stash fill, got a pair of 214 sentry gloves. Now my gear is all 214+, I have a 204 for each weapon slot (though my 182 BMAK still rues the secondary slot), and my normal GS is 214.

    Today was a good day...

    Another win under my belt in CMFL, and this one gave me a VASTLY improved 204 AUG to boot...life is good.

    Still a lotta month to go, but the donation is only shy of its goal by $25..every little bit helps us all here...from a dollar to filling it. G1nt3r runs a pretty great set of boards here...show some love.

    I'll likely cover what we don't come up with but it would definitely be nice to have it all covered as I am sure future payments will likely be out of pocket from me.

    Been "foruming" a little light for the past few days, but rest assured, it's mostly due to home repairs, pirated movies, and cheap cake. Returning to form soon.

    Well, I got my wish of a 204 sidearm...but they couldn't have done any less if they had been trying to. DZ vendors didn't update, dailies didn't happen, and the one night we're down a player, a maxed 4 man squad is ripping up the DZ as rogues. Good times.

    Praying for a 204 sidearm with skill or dps talents, or a high RPM assault rifle the same way, in tonight's vendor restock (8pm est). BP would be nice, but I'd take a single purchase as well.

    I think we all are haha

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